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Optimal placement of distributed generation sources to minimize the power loss in distribution system

 Optimal placement of distributed generation sources to minimize the power loss in distribution system

Abstract: ØAn optimal way of real and reactive power management in radial distribution systems with Distributed Generations (DG) to improve the voltage profile of power supply is presented in this project. ØThe goal is to:

1. Minimize the active power loss in distribution system.

2. Improve the voltage profile. ØThe proposed method presents a load flow study using BIBC and BCBV method, which is one of the most effective methods for the load-flow analysis of the radial distribution system. ØThis project utilize  optimization technique namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to find the optimum location  of  Distributed generator  in distribution system. ØThe method is tested with standard IEEE test case namely 69-node radial distribution network. ØThe node with minimum system power loss is considered as the optimum location for DG placement which in turn enhances the voltage profile of overall system.      

Introduction: Ø  Increasing demand requires distribution utilities to enhance the performance of the system. Ø   Distributed generation is one of the  less expensive alternative for system upgrading. Ø   Distributed generation is small- scale power generation that is usually connected to distribution system. ØIn order to strengthening the power quality and reliability, the power utilities need to ensure the optimum size and location of distributed resources.

Motivation ØThere is a considerable decrease in the amount of voltage at the far end from the load distribution centers. ØThis makes a point to improve the profile of voltage at these far end locations. ØThis project is done for devising a solution by using a load flow analysis. ØThe location for placing a DG is obtained by using optimization techniques. ØThe optimization Techniques are primarily used for determining a location so as to considerably increase the overall voltage profile. Ø

Ø    A direct approach for distribution load flow solution was proposed. Two matrices, which are developed from the topological characteristics of distribution systems, are used to solve load flow problem. The BIBC matrix represents the relationship between bus current injections and branch currents, and the BCBV matrix represents the relationship between branch currents and bus voltages. These two matrices are combined to form a direct approach for solving load flow problems. • Ø  The determination of optimum size and optimum capacity of single dg placement using particle swarm optimization technique.

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