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1.What are the principal advantages of rotating field type construction?
A.Relatively small amount of power required for field system can easily supplied to rotating system using slip rings and brushes, more space is available in the stator part of the machine to provide more insulation, it is easy to provide cooling system, stationary system of conductors can easily be braced to prevent deformation.

2.What are the advantages of salient type pole construction used in sync. Machines?     
A.They allow better ventilation; the pole faces are so shaped radial air gap length increases from pole center to pole tips so flux distortion in air gap is sinusoidal so emf is also sinusoidal.

3.Which type of sync. generators are used in hydroelectric plants and why?
A.As the speed of operation is low, for hydro turbines used in hydroelectric plants, salient pole type sync. generator is used because it allows better ventilation also better than smooth cylindrical type rotor

4.Why are alternators rated in KVA and not in KW?
A.As load increases I2R loss also increases, as the current is directly related to apparent power delivered by generator, the alternator has only their apparent power in VA/KVA/MVA as their power rating.

5.Why the sync. impedance method of estimating voltage regulation is is considered as pessimistic method?
A.Compared to other method, the value of voltage regulation obtained by this method is always higher than the actual value, so it is called as pessimistic method.

6.Why MMF method of estimating voltage regulation is considered as optimistic method?
A.Compared to EMF method, MMF method involves more no. of complex calculation steps. Further the OCC is referred twice, and SCC is referred once while predetermining the voltage regulation for each load condition. Reference of OCC takes core saturation effect. As this method requires more effort, final result is very close to actual value, hence this method is called as optimistic method.

7.Define voltage regulation of the alternator?
A.It is defined as the increase in terminal voltage when full load is thrown off, assuming field current and speed remaining the same. % reg = [(E0 – V)/V]x100
Where E0 = no terminal voltage V = full load rated terminal voltage

8.How is arm. winding in alternators is different from those used in dc machines?
A.The arm. winding of the alternator is placed in the stator, but in the case of dc machines the arm winding is placed in the rotor.

9.What is hunting how can it be prevented?
A.When a sync motor is used for driving a fluctuating load, the rotor starts oscillating about its new position of equilibrium corresponding to the new load. This is called hunting or phase swinging. To prevent hunting dampers are damping grids are employed.

10.what are different torques of a sync motor?
1.   Starting torque
2.   Running torque
3.   Pull-in torque
4. Pull-out torque

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